viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

Class 2


In the business world, you have to show you have the potential to acquire what you need in terms of job, facilities and stuff inside a corporation. For this reason, this class is focus on how to develop the abilities of writing letters of enquiry and applications to any company or directive post. 
The instructions for this activity are the following:

In teams, go to page 18 and discuss the question:
What makes a company or organization a great place to work? Come up with a conclusion in at least 2 paragraphs and post in in the Bb.

NOTE: "Bb" is not acronym for BumbleBee, rather for BlackBoard.

The result for the activity is the next:

"The first think that a great company is the one where you can develop more skills than those you already have. Also it has to present a flexible schedule and good benefits (Healthcare, vacations, etc). We think hat relationships in work are very important, so we like to work in places that encourage the team work. A good company provides you with a wage that alouds you to have a good quality of life.

We also conclude that great companies must worry about happyness of their employees by providing a good layout of the facilities and a good co-workers atmosphere. They must have a good canteen with a lot of food and free for the employees."

Then, we study about something that is very unusual here in México, but in other countries is very common and necesary: The letters of enquiry. Those are like the first contact with the company and are very useful to ask for any information you need to acquire. In this case, the following activity consist in write a letter of enquiry for any company.

Look online for a company that you would like to work for. Then, write them a letter to enquire about opportunities to work for their company.

"Dear Sir or Madam.
I am writing this letter because I have heard a lot about Texas Instruments and is a pleasure for me to let you know how interested I am in being part of your crew. I am from México, graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey. I work for The Coca-Cola Company in Connecticut since 2015, but I am planning to move to California next month, so I was wondering if you could send me some information about post vacancy, facilities you have near Reddit and how I should apply to those posts.
Thank you in advance.
Your's faithfully.
Torres M."

So, I have to imagine that Texas Instruments just had repplied to my letter and now I am suposed to apply to a vacancy:

Once you have received your answers to the questions you want to know from a company, now it´s time to apply for that job position. Write a letter of application for the next job you would like to do.

"Dear Sir or Madam.

I am writing in application for the post of production manager of your motherboard's line, as you told me in the last mail. 
I am a 32-year-old graduated mechatronic engineer from Tecnológico de Monterrey and I have experience in manufacture area of Pepsico, The coca-cola Company, Arduino co., Bimbo and Unilever. 

I had attend many training courses and conferences focused on business skills, customer care, co-working and marketing, but I am specialized in production lines. 

As I said, I am planning to move to California, where your headquarters are grounded. Texas instruments is one of the biggest technology distributor and is top-20 of motherboard sales of 2016. for this reason, it seems like a big oportunity to join your staff and help grow up in projects, quality and services.
Your's Faithfully
Torres M."


Now, this part of the test is going to be difficult because of the number of words I have to cover. The things I learnt in this section are those related with the enquiry letters, because in México we are not used to write this kind of things: We just apply. I learnt some grammar and collocations like "I am looking forwar to hearing from you" that, as we know now, we can not change its structure. I think my strategy here is going tu be putting enough information about me and how glad and excited I am by applying for the post. Is kind of saying what people wants to hear. And finally, about indirect questions. I had the tools to formulate them. I found easy making indirect questions in letters: I am concern that many times, indirect questions have more chance of getting more polite answers.

Resultado de imagen para application

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